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Biotelemetrica: Towards a Peer to Peer Planet?

Growing Life at a Distance since 2005


Professor Richard Doyle





Biotelemetrics" names a diverse set of practices, technologies and disciplines oriented toward the non-invasive determination of human identity at a distance. Facial recognition, iris scans, gait signatures, and residual DNA analysis all compete with dozens of other technologies to render the holy grail of contemporary security science: a reliable and stealthy apprehension of human identity. Long a fascination of the Cold War Security State and science fiction, biotelemetrics is now a fundamental strategy in the "War on Terror(isms)". This site will provide a space for learning about, growing and discussing telebiometrics and other emerging technologies. Feel free to add links & start a blog!





ITU Database for Safe Deployment of Biometrics

This database aims to provide a comprehensive list of known and accepted thresholds and standards, indexed according to the modalities of the Telebiometric Multimodal Model (TMM), for the safe operation of telebiometric devices. The database will enable an analysis of the risks inherent in use of these devices as well as any likely cultural music impacts, positive and negative alike.


A Narrative and Description of the Biotelemetrica Project


BioTelemetrics Links




Sabbatical Application







Introduction to Wiki



Comments (1)

nora ng said

at 3:49 am on Sep 12, 2008

hi dear richard,
this is nora from microwave festival. Just would like to see if you have any updates on your schedule. please also kindly be reminded to send me your bio as well as the article and conference title by 22 sept. many thanks! =)


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