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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago



For Sale:

Price Negotiable

Vatican Over Tiber River

Acrylic on Canvas




 Robert Anton Wilson in Blue

Acrylic on Canvas


 Johnny Depp in Purple

Acrylic on Canvas


John Lennon in Orange

Acrylic on Canvas





I am back from Rome, Italy, graduated, and looking for a Landscape Architecture job, finding myself in a place of complete confusion. To put it simply: I am lost. I keep thinking back to the classroom sutras of Mobius about letting go of control and finding the beauty and nothingness in confusion and loss. But it seems harder in practice when you have a bill for an apartment that you aren't living in, and over 100,000 dollars in college loans that kick in after the summer is over. I feel like Robert Anton Wilson in Cosmic Trigger when he is poor and out of a job and he keeps repeating in his head, "...complete failure..." Pranayama was his aid. So I am doing pranayama also. I bought some Rodney Yee yoga videos and I have been practicing his "Advanced Asanas" regiously; doing head stands and raised lotus positions. I'm bad, but I figured I would give it a shot.


Anyways, all this venting makes me realize that I miss the WIKI. I miss the support and ability to be completely open in a nameless platform. I am glad to be continuing my "studies" now that college is over.     


P.S. If anyone has any job suggestions I am all ears.





Composing the Sacred


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