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Isolation Tank

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 7 months ago

Gonzo- I hope you don't mind that I posted your poem here. I wanted to include it in the poetry pile. ~E


Isolation Tank

Frank the arrogant bank teller,

an English wank,

Tells you to lie in a tank

and keep yr. mind blank ––


Gigi, his assistant, from Fiji

says squeegee the top,

So the condensation

don’t drop,

So yr. head’s head voices

do stop ––


Saline fills this machine,

lyin’ in between booty and floor,

So you can float

flat like a boat,

And promote some sort of

relaxation realization,

And if you knew what I was sayin’

you’d want

To do it too ––


So that’s why I won’t say who

even if I knew –

Runs this thing –

because in the tank

Viewed visions are imbued

with blackness

And mind progress

so I won’t give an address,

Or details and things

to help suppress yr. stress.

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