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Poetry pile

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago


This is where I plan on posting the poetry to be included in my book o' poetry. Gimme a few hours (maybe 24 of them) and I'll have some poetry up here for your enjoyment. Please, give me your comments! Also, it is my dream that this page comes alive with poetry, so add any poetry you want to share, this page is not exclusively mine. You can make it anonymous if you're shy, no one has to know whose poetry it is. Yay for compressed language! ~Echan




Thinking about Carl~Echan

Earth Day Remix-Echan

Inhale(an Ode to Prana)

r i d - moops

blue eyed wizard~E


Qi Gong Meditation~E

Isolation Tank

Blanking the Stream by Call Me Ishmael

entropy -E

The Caregiver - Peep

spam~ anonymous code script

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