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Cached Syllabus - In case the current one is down
Read these links over after today's class. For future classes I recommend reading the links before and after class.
"Learning the Alphabet"
"Da wiki is the medium is the message"
"The algorithm/content gradient"
January 23
The context: an historical orientation to the control society, leading to a proliferation of information:
With more attention attractors and lowered awareness:
And a desire to control: ( LSD, Aliens discussion)
Mobius's Blog
Click on the above links and blog in response to it. If you can, improve the link. Make it bettah!
January 25
diverse and sundry blogs, including mobiused
TIA Reprise: Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare
The edge of the network as the space of necessary freedom - Lacuna Mutata
The Social Engineering FAQ - A Fake FAQ?
RfidFrenzy - Toward An Internet of Things?
skype phone
Training in commons formation: [http://creativecommons.org/ Creative Commons The Creative Commons
January 30
(1) RFID discourses- tribe, sex offenders, immigrants. Could rfid tagging actually help sex offenders offend? Increased proliferation of information makes identity theft more rather than less likely. Likely: a mutation.
(2) Wiki in the society of control. Preemptive protection. Training in Commons Formation - attempt to control leads to the development of a proliferating discourse, whose only referent can be a commons - a gathering requiring only minimal understanding. The Minimal Conditions of understanding. Commons versus property
Creative Commons Choose a license for your work. You must share your compositions in some form with your classmates!
(3) Cyberspace, frontier of sovereignty.
history of free press (Ideological origins of the american revolution)
history of pirate radio.
The analogy with geography and its limits. finite versus infinite dimensionsont
The Turner Frontier Hypothesis
Department of Homeland Security, National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace
Department of Homeland Security, National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace
February 1
Call Me Ishamel -Presentation?
Weekend prompt: Choose a figure from the Freedom of Information Act FBI Reading Room and read through the file, then post.
February 6
Clastres, Pierre. Society Against the State
Security Commons
February 8
Begin Discussion, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
Discuss Freedom of Information Act files, vote for person to file FOIA papers on. My vote: Philip K. Dick
Lionshare - A useful tool for our collaborations?
Workshop on Freedom of Information Act
Intellectual Property ( the Shulgin analogy)
February 10, Friday
Out of class workshop to discuss, plan, and implement technologies of collaboration
Where: Irvings
Time: TBA (stay after class on Thursday or check this page)
February 13
The Quasi-Fictional Society of Control: Ubik
February 15
half life and postvitality - [http://biotelemetrica.pbwiki.com/moops"For instance, what does it really mean to teleport, to clone, to genetically engineer?"]
inertials and the outsourcing of mindfulness; mindfullness and the infrastructure of Jory
Aliens want to know your shopping preferences
Commerical Inertials and fake fakes - Dick's Koan's
February 20
I am the brand name
February 22
February 27
March 1
Clastres, Pierre. Transgenic Involution - getting involuted
Biotelemetricon: Towards a Peer to Peer Privacy Planet?
March 6
Lessig, Free Culture
March 8
Lessig, Free Culture
March 13
Spring Break in the TAZ of your Choice
March 15
Spring Break in the TAZ of your Choice
Sometime in April
Cryptography workshop: Divisibility of the Integers, Greatest Common Divisor, Euclidean Algorithm, prime numbers, Congruence Classes Modulo n (an introduction to group theory), Euler's Theorem, Public Key Codes, P is not NP?, Matlab examples...and maybe chaotic encryption with one dimensional iterative maps (Denseness, Continuity, sequences and convergence, Intermediate Value Theorem, Mean Value Theorem, Fixed Points, attractors, recursive partitioning, Liapunov exponents)
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act
TAz are search engines for different degrees of freedom.
Discussion of Group Projects
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